Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pissed Off & Sick and Tired

You ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired? I am sick and tired of watching born again Spirit-filled, whether you speak in tongues or not, children of the Most High God suffer. I know in this world we will have trials, Jesus promised that we would, but Jesus also promised that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

I am pissed off that Jesus gave up His place in Heaven, came and lived on this earth, endured ALL He did in order for us to walk in freedom and we do not even believe that we can.

I am sick and tired of watching my Chrisitan Brothers and Sisters, especially my sister's struggle with areas of their past and life when God's Word tells us that we are to forget the former things and remember them no more because God is going to do a new thing in us.

I am pissed off that when we become saved that the Holy Spirit seals us, Jesus lives in us, yet we feel like we have to struggle with areas of our life. He is in us, He wants to deliver us, He wants to make us free, yet we are afraid to let Him.

I am sick and tired of "Chrisitans" judging other "Chrisitans" when they come to them admitting their sin, seeking healing and prayer, and they walk away feeling even more condemned than they were before. Have we forgotten that there was no good in us until Jesus came and set us free? That regardless of what we did or did not do, how much time we spent in the clubs and the bars, even how much time we did or did not spend in the church that we ALL were on our way to hell until Jesus found us. Yes, He found us because we were too busy trying to clean ourselves up and "get our life right" before we would go to church and give our life to the Lord.

I am just pissed off and sick and tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Powerful Jess. I think you went off on a lot that we don't even realize we are doing to ourselves and others. I can think of far too many recent examples of how I am regressing - especially in the second to last paragraph. I feel that I am finally coming to a real understanding of what faith is, and I think it is the lack of faith that is really leaving you sick and tired.

    On the one hand, I want to say "now you know how the apostle Paul feels" and on the other I want to remind you that God is doing his work in our hearts still. Its a righteous and loving anger you have, the kind that makes me less nervous when I read Jesus say things like "Oh perverse and foolish generation! How long must I put up with you?" to those around him.

    Some days I feel like his disciples, standing around blinking like an idiot trying to figure out how do I have "faith?" Maybe faith is what happens when i stop fathoming how to manufacture it in myself and give it to God saying, "this is what you say, do not withhold from me My Lord." And accepting the trial that comes with it.

    There is an old saying that goes, "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't." Maybe some people need to be brought to the understanding that what is inhibiting their faith is a devil they are more comfortable with but know nothing about yet what is trying to bring them life and light is a God they don't know but has the best in store for them. Well, there's no "maybe" to that, its the truth. Like switchfoot sings, we have to come to a point where we earnestly doubt our doubts and believe of beliefs.

    God bless Sis Jess!
