Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer Today!

Sorry, its been a minute...

I don't know if I'm going to make it to city hall today (didn't plan on it) but today I encourage and join with you all in praying for our nation. Not just its leadership but the entirety of civic life. I realized this morning how easy it is to lambast our leaders (some more than others depending on your political philosophy) but overall they need as much grace getting out of bed each day as we do.

One of my prayers today is that Christians will show an attitude of attention, respect, and restraint to our leaders while seeking to hold them accountable. Irregardless of our political beliefs, we belong to a faith in which the Apostle Paul encouraged slaves to not be disrespectful to their masters so that their masters may be converted by their witness of character. Paul was not supporting the insitatuion of slavery, but the reconciliation of man with God. We need to be keenly aware of the impact our individual witness and actions can affect an entire system for the kingdom of God.

Furthermore, we are called to be obedient and respectful to every authority in this world as they are placed there by God. Of course we do not have to on the points where they do not agree with God’s law, but again, there is as difference between the testimony of our character and the preferences of our minds. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” Jesus said, after being asked if it was lawful to pay taxes, “and unto God what is God’s”. Jesus used the illustration that money was Caesar’s since it bore his image, but people are God’s since we are created in His image. In praying for others and our leadership, let us remember who we all belong to. The Caesar’s of our time need just as much grace as we do getting out of bed, Lord help us all to remember that we belong to you, and you want us to care for and pray for each other.

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